Pre-World (French Master)

August 28th – 29th

34th International Tempest World Championship

August 30th – September 4th 1999

Club Nautique de Saint Raphaël

Boulevard du Général de Gaulle

83700 – Saint-Raphaël - France

Boat letters and N°:..... ........Boat Name......

Helmsman Name.....Christian name:.....

Date of birth :.(parental consent under 18 years old)


Post Code..Town..Country:

Phone N°......Fax ..

Yacht Club:.….E mail: .

Crew name:...Christian name:..

Date of birth :.(parental consent under 18 years old)


Post CodeTown.Country:.

Yacht Club:

Participation Towards Costs: World Championship: FF 920.00 or Euros 140 or CH.F 230


We intend to sail : Pre-World (French Master) - 34th Tempest World Championship

DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBILITY: I agree to be bound by the ISAF Rules, the Sailing Instructions and the Class Rules. I understand that the organising committee accepts no responsibility for loss of life or injury to members or others, or damage to any vessel or equipment. I hold and will produce a valid measurement certificate. I declare that I hold a valid certificate of insurance which cover me while racing including third party liability cover. My crew is aware to these undertakings.

Date: ....................Signature of helmsman:.

Please send or fax entry form to :

Association Francaise de Tempest (no later than August 15, 1999)

Patrice Rouanet

Le cèdre - Parc Saint Jacques

83700 – Saint Raphaël – France

Tel/fax . : 00 33 4 94 95 83 95 or 00 33 4 94 19 26 79

E-mail : tempestfra@iname.com  

Bankers draft enclosed in the amount of either FF 920.00 or Euros 140 or CH.F 230 payable to: Association Française Tempest / rub.World 99

All banks charges are to be covered by the competitor